Stacyc Bike - Balance Bike - Kids Bike

How the STACYC Electric Bike is the Perfect Introduction to Motocross

How the STACYC Electric Bike is the Perfect Introduction to Motocross

When you learn a sport, you have to start with the basics, whether you're learning to dribble the ball when you start your basketball journey or how to hold a stick when you start playing hockey. Riding a bike and learning to ride motocross are the same idea. Before you can start learning to ride motocross, you need to understand the basics of biking.

With the STACYC electric bike available here at Balance Bike, you don't have to worry about choosing the right gear to learn the basics. Convertible from a typical balance bike to a bike powered by an electric motor, the STACYC e-bike is the perfect choice for beginners who want to learn how to get ready for the road.

What is a Balance Bike?

Balance bikes are perfect for kids who are just beginning to understand how to ride a bike. They're lightweight, easy to maneuver, and don't have all the extra parts that make learning to ride a bike more difficult.

When kids are learning to ride a bike, the hardest part of the whole process is learning to balance on two wheels. It's easy to lean too far to one side and lose your balance, grab your handlebars in the wrong place and lose your balance while trying to steer, trying to ride the wrong way, and more Again.

By using a balance bike, kids and new riders can get a feel for what's going on in riding a bike without having to worry about all the extra frills and hassle. A balance bike is generally lighter than a standard bike, made with a sturdy frame and tires for easy learning. Also, since the average balance bike has no pedals, the focus is really on learning to balance rather than how to go fast.

With the STACYC electric bike, offered here at Balance Bike, we offer the same kind of idea as a traditional balance bike balance bike. However, the difference with the STACYC electric bike is that this bike is intended for children and beginners who want to learn how to ride motocross. It adds an extra element to the bike riding experience, preparing first-time riders for what it could be like on a real E-bike.

Why Choose an Electric Balance Bike?

If your beginner rider is planning to do motocross, then a STACYC e-bike is the perfect tool. Like a traditional balance bike, electric balance bikes have no pedals and are low to the ground, making it easy for kids to start and stop with their feet and learn to maintain balance. balance. However, unlike the typical balance bike, the STACYC e-bike comes with all the necessary components to run the bike like a real motocross bike.

What is important to note, however, is that the e-bike can be ridden without the electric part being switched on. There is no need for the electrical connection to be plugged in or working when your child starts learning to ride. Until you - and they - are ready to start learning how to use the electric part of the e-bike, it can stay off without the functionality of the bike being reduced.

When you feel your beginner rider is ready to take the next step, it's that simple to turn on the electric part and let them practice. Because your beginner rider already knows the bike, it will be easier for them to adapt to the speed that the e-bike can bring.

STACYC Electric Bikes are Perfect for Kids

When your beginner rider is ready to use their bike's electric motor, STACYC electric bikes allow you to put them to work at a higher speed. Going from manual 2-leg propulsion to an electric motor is a big adjustment for anyone, but it's especially monumental for kids. However, with the three adjustable speeds of 8 km/h (training speed), 12 km/h (normal speed) and 20 km/h (advanced speed) in the 16" version, your child will be able to progress to the level where he feels comfortable and takes the time to do so.

If they never reach that point, that doesn't mean they can't use their bike. As mentioned earlier, the STACYC electric bike also works like a traditional balance bike, so if your child never feels quite comfortable with the electric motor running, they'll still be able to ride their bike without its power. .

The STACYC electric bike is specially designed for children. It has a light but durable frame, which allows children to move easily with their power and facilitates balance. The tires are tough and durable, ready to tackle any terrain your child might inadvertently (or deliberately, who says).

The battery life and charging time are also great for kids. When the battery is depleted, the recharge time is only about an hour, which is the ideal time to go in, have lunch, take a break or maybe even take a nap for the little ones. After an hour, when the bike is fully charged, the STACYC electric bike has a range of approximately 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the terrain.

While that may not seem like a long time, it's the perfect amount of time for young children's short attention spans. After about half an hour of doing the same activity (even if that activity is motocross), most kids start to get bored doing the same thing over and over and are ready to try something new. Having the battery drained and needing a recharge is the perfect opportunity to step back and take a break, allowing your child to refocus their attention.

Balance Bike Has What You Need

The Balance Bike site has everything you need to find the perfect electric bike in Canada. The STACYC 16 e-bike is the perfect size for older kids learning to ride an e-bike. If your child is between five and eight years old, the STACYC 16 is perfect for you.

If your young child is ready to hit the road, the STACYC 12 electric bike might be what you're looking for. This e-bike is a little smaller and not as powerful, making it perfect for your budding motocross star three to five years old.

At Balance Bike, we are happy to find you your perfect electric bike in Canada. If you want to learn more about STACYC electric bikes, check our products here

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